
Prince's Theatre Challenge

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Project Start

2020.12.09 1500

Received code challenge files.

Setup project on github.

Setup folder structure.

[✔] First task - make sure I have access to the APIs

Note: Important Do not maintain api secrets in the git repo

2020.12.09 1700 Got my first problem solved! I can access all the required APIs. Here is the first-cut for the curl tests.

# Makefile

# Make sure the have proper accesses to the APIs.
	@echo "\nTesting Filmworld APIs\n"
	source $(env_conf_dir)/$(api_conf) && \
	curl -s -i -X GET -H "x-api-key: $$API_KEY" $(API_FW_MOVIES)

	@echo "\nTesting Filmworld APIs\n"
	source $(env_conf_dir)/$(api_conf) && \
	curl -s -i -X GET -H "x-api-key: $$API_KEY" $(API_FW_MOVIE_ID)

	@echo "\nTesting Cinemaworld APIs\n"
	source $(env_conf_dir)/$(api_conf) && \
	curl -s -i -X GET -H "x-api-key: $$API_KEY" $(API_CW_MOVIES)

	@echo "\nTesting Cinemaworld APIs\n"
	source $(env_conf_dir)/$(api_conf) && \
	curl -s -i -X GET -H "x-api-key: $$API_KEY" $(API_CW_MOVIE_ID)

test_apis: test_apis_cw_movies test_apis_cw_movie_id test_apis_fw_movies test_apis_fw_movie_id

I trimmed the above duplicates to just this:

	source $(env_conf_dir)/$(api_conf) && \
	$(foreach api, $(API_ALL), \
	curl -s -i -X GET -H "x-api-key: $$API_KEY" $(api))

See the Makefile for complete code.

–out. Peace